martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Cute baby tiger kitten

The Baby Tiger

We all have this kind of problem with baby tigers. We love them terribly. They are fantastically cute. We want to own one and cuddle it. This is partly because we know that this is a very strong and dangerous animal in the making. That makes the vulnerable baby tiger even more attractive and cute.

Then as is so often the case, when they grow up we sort of lose interest. We forget about them. We are scared of them as well. But the reverence for them remains. This apathy about the adult tiger and our reverence and admiration of it means it is abused by people who want to profit from it. This is why the tiger is a very endangered species of wildcat.

Our admiration for tigers also means that there are more pet tigers in America (12,000 or so) than there are wild tigers (about 1,400 Bengal, 400 Sumatran, 400 Siberian, South China 20). That is the way of the world.

captive mother and baby tiger
Captive mother and baby tiger. Photo by lembagg

Tiger cubs weigh about 2-4 lbs. at birth. The raising and feeding of baby tigers by people is pretty technical stuff. And there is little hard detail on the internet about it. This is a very complete article however: Feeding Baby Tiger Cubs (this takes you to a different website on a new page).

There is an interesting story about a one year old captive South China tiger who couldn't see because he had cataracts. On this occasion I must praise the Chinese as a surgeon operated on the tiger to restore sight. I have been critical of the China tiger farms etc. However, the reality is that the poor eyesight of this tiger cub is probably due to inbreeding. Inbreeding of tigers in captivity is a real problem and not often realised by people who are not involved in rearing captive tigers. The reason is low tiger populations in the wild is due to the depletion of habit and poaching to supply the tiger body part trade as major reasons. Sad isn't it.

The typical litter size for a tiger is 3 - 4 cubs. Baby tigers are born blind and helpless. The female rears the cubs alone. About half of all tiger cubs in the wild do not make it beyond 2 years of age, a high mortality rate. Infanticide (adult males killing cubs) occurs sometimes at the site of kills.

At about 8 weeks the babies explore, leaving the den and following their mother to a hunt but not joining her on it. At about 18 weeks they are more independent and about the size of a medium to large dog. They are weaned at about 6 months of age. They might do a bit of hunting of small animals at this stage but they don't have the permanent canine teeth to kill and eat larger prey.

At about 2+ years they become independent.

We all have this kind of problem with baby tigers. We love them terribly. They are fantastically cute. We want to own one and cuddle it. This is partly because we know that this is a very strong and dangerous animal in the making. That makes the vulnerable baby tiger even more attractive and cute.

Then as is so often the case, when they grow up we sort of lose interest. We forget about them. We are scared of them as well. But the reverence for them remains. This apathy about the adult tiger and our reverence and admiration of it means it is abused by people who want to profit from it. This is why the tiger is a very endangered species of wildcat.

Our admiration for tigers also means that there are more pet tigers in America (12,000 or so) than there are wild tigers (about 1,400 Bengal, 400 Sumatran, 400 Siberian, South China 20). That is the way of the world.

captive mother and baby tiger
Captive mother and baby tiger. Photo by lembagg

Tiger cubs weigh about 2-4 lbs. at birth. The raising and feeding of baby tigers by people is pretty technical stuff. And there is little hard detail on the internet about it. This is a very complete article however: Feeding Baby Tiger Cubs (this takes you to a different website on a new page).

There is an interesting story about a one year old captive South China tiger who couldn't see because he had cataracts. On this occasion I must praise the Chinese as a surgeon operated on the tiger to restore sight. I have been critical of the China tiger farms etc. However, the reality is that the poor eyesight of this tiger cub is probably due to inbreeding. Inbreeding of tigers in captivity is a real problem and not often realised by people who are not involved in rearing captive tigers. The reason is low tiger populations in the wild is due to the depletion of habit and poaching to supply the tiger body part trade as major reasons. Sad isn't it.

The typical litter size for a tiger is 3 - 4 cubs. Baby tigers are born blind and helpless. The female rears the cubs alone. About half of all tiger cubs in the wild do not make it beyond 2 years of age, a high mortality rate. Infanticide (adult males killing cubs) occurs sometimes at the site of kills.

At about 8 weeks the babies explore, leaving the den and following their mother to a hunt but not joining her on it. At about 18 weeks they are more independent and about the size of a medium to large dog. They are weaned at about 6 months of age. They might do a bit of hunting of small animals at this stage but they don't have the permanent canine teeth to kill and eat larger prey.

At about 2+ years they become independent.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Porque odian a los perros?

Hola me llamo Neus tengo 13 años y me gustaria decir unas cosas primero aganse esta pregunta: Porque odian a los perros?
Yo lo sacrificaría todo por los perros algún día cuando sea mayor me gustaría tener muchos perros que están abandonados en las calles o en perreras que si no los adopta nadie los sacrifican…Lo daría todo por ellos… Me encantan los animales ojala no hubiera gente que los odia y yo cada día me levanto y pienso ¿porque la gente odiara tanto a los perros?
Odio a las chicas que solo quieren  a los perritos porque son monísimos! Son una cucada pero ay que quererlos a todos por su forma de ser ¡¡¡son perros!! Como si a ustedes os quisieran porque sois guapos!
Odio a ese tipo de personas. A mí me gustan los grandes, los pequeños… ¡De todas las medidas! Miren yo tengo un perro grandote y aun así lo quiero!  Ay que quererlos a todos sean como sean… Mi perro es algo muy importante para mi es decir es parte de mi vida.
No podría vivir sin alguien tan valiente, juguetón, divertido y gracioso ¡perrito como el mío!
Cuando los perros van al cielo me gustaría ir donde van ellos cuando me muera.    
  Tengo un gran corazón y daría la mitad a todos los perros del mundo.
Sin un perro nadie sería feliz.
Sin un perro el hombre nunca tendría un mejor amigo.
Sin un perro no existirían los gatos.
Me encantaría vivir como ellos y que ellos me entendiesen me gustaría estar cada segundo con ellos no puedo vivir sin uno y siempre será así.
Larga e honorable vida a mis queridos amigos: Los perros.
Gracias por hacer este maravilloso mundo feliz. J
Neus Alos Jiménez